Last weeks have been great :D hope this continiues <3
i have little work these days so i need to find a new job tho, besides music. ofcource. its sadly not even near enugh to support me to live on music alone. but its a helping hand. and i appreciate all the support! Big thanks to everyone thats buying the album! =D <3
If you havent, and wanna check out my album, check out the Album promo
and to everyone that wants a 2nd album, its comming!
The official name of the new album is " UpBeats " and will be featuring all my orchestral and uberhappy cuteness :D !
in other news, and not so cute. heres my newest track! a dance / techno / breakbeat track! HEAVY MACHINE RYTHM
Party on!
Peace out!
first comment, and dude if you keep dying your hair its going to be gray by the age of 25 X3
heeh XD i know. D: