Lol! guess i wassnt done submittin funfiles :D morgan is out for a harvest!i made this song about 4 months ago, i just had to share it! where does all this hilbilly stuff come from? i dont know but i sure do love it! LETS DANCE, BILLYBOB! YEEEHAWWW
PS: dont worry! my dark stuff is under way. haha. but this is whats really funny to do!
This is not the major big update, nor the major big submition ive been talking about, i just made this for fun. issnt it cuuute? X3 real updates will be had near the end of this week, stay tuned! and bop your heads with me to this one untill then! <3
I have returned! and fear not, my children, for soon, i will submit, once again!
i have 2-3 tracks ready to hach. just waiting for aprooval, you see, the tracks are
involved in a bigger project, wich i cant reveal just yet! ;) but keep an eye out for it!
oh and btw.
roskilde owned me. event of the year <3 <3
im going away for the roskilde festival! will be gone in 8 days! when i get back, 2 new tracks will be submitted =D untill then, cya all!
Just a small update here.. im currently working on a new song, wich will be out by the end of next week! also, its just been confirmed that im going to roskilde this year! for the music festival. im really exited about that, so, ill be leaving in a week and ill be gone for about 12 days.. =]
oh and, as much as i hate to admit it, ive been kinda active at facebook.com lately.. so well, if you happen to have a profile there, add me! :]
Facebook Christian M. Krogsvold
Hi again ^^ im still drowning in work, and missing alot of social events with friends etc i wish i could participate in... i feel almost antisocial from working while the others go to school together.. ah well.
so, i got a pm the other day, with now, the 5th person claming to be me! its insane how they insist on bugging me like this.. ive owned this profile since 2003 and ive always been me, christian. im really sick of this.. even tho they own themselves with wrong dates, etc.. guess i shouldnt worry to much about it. i have tons of evidence from the date i signed up and untill now.. im me and i know it. lol.
also, i wasted insanely ammounts of money today on just taking a walk in town with my girlfriend.. i spend about 250 dollars on well.. music, games and food.. o.O i dont even have time to use all this entertainment.. i gotta seriously stop doing that.
im working on some new suff, but the progress is slower than ever.. i hope i can get something out by the end of next week, but we'll see :) keep checking in! :)
again, i love all my fans! my music and my feedback means so much to me. i dont know what i would do without it. <3 thank you all for support! :D i will get better with respoinding to reviews when i have less work. they still make my day ;)
Hi everyone! ive been holding back on some awesome news :D
i wanted to wait untill i was sure. im not sure if i can announce the songs thats not on newgrounds, but, long story short:
6 of my songs is going to be used in castle crashers!
2 of them is already here on newgrounds, but 4 of them is custom made :D
the songs allready on newgrounds is:
its wierd how they picked 2 year old songs, i have improoved alot since then but..
HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! the custom songs is offlimits for now ;)
Im really happy and grateful about this opportunity and its the biggest music job ive had yet.
i was gonna buy the game simply cus it looks awesome in all aspects.
now i get to be a part of it!
in other news, im drowning in work this weeks and the 2-3 weeks to come. so i have little time for music making and other funstuff.. :[
anyways, just wanted to share my god news! more music to come next month i hope :D
you look stylish in the second pic
heh thanks :D