EDIT 13may:
I was finally able to finish my green greens remake from kirby today. after scraching my head over some of the notes so much i just gave up, ive finally managed to recreate the song, adding my own style to it, ofcource ;) i heard some other remixes of it today on newgrounds and it inspiered me to continiue, and i think i got it right o.O hope you like it!
but "summer rave" is still my newest original submition so that really where i want the atention XD
this was just for fun ^-^
So! summer is here :D atleast the weather. and things are
finally looking up after some misserable months. :D im gonna write alot of stuff the next comming days but for now ill leave
it at that. just needed to update.
Here is my latest song, as usual following my current mood. :D
hope you like it! untill the next post, enjoy! ^^
(me on a rooftop. o,O)
i will! when i get back into the darkness mood again :3 right now im kinda " ^-^ <3 " lol.