Amazing. Do you really make these this fast? Its been less then a month since your last song I think. I liked the Bell's (or something that sounds like, but is not, bells) that kicked in around 3:50. Great work! (Although one does have to wonder about how much free time you posses)
I'm off to go off and complain about the audio portal not working on my iPod touch. A Pre-loader less, audio based player would be way too easy to convert into Quicktime for them to have any good excuse.
whatever happened to shadows, jumpzone, and derailed?
Waterflame (Updated )
shadows and derailed is actually the last parts of the control ;D i did them over again, wassnt happy with them so far. now its all gonna be welded into this big badass. ;D shadows was stripped, and most drum parts of it was used in the new control. so basicly its just a change of plan, since all of the 3 projects not only had a solid strong beat, but was also in the same genre. :)